Perception Equals Reality

As a quick disclaimer: I’m writing this purely out rage. I’m angry right now, and I feel pretty lousy. The point of this post is something I’ll get out of the way right from the beginning; I can only blame myself, and I knew this would be the outcome.

Throughout life, whatever people perceive you to be pretty much solidifies what your are to them in reality. Even if it’s not true or way off of the mark when it comes to your actual personality, that perception is their reality. That’s my issue right now. My perception in others eyes is their reality, and it’s a shame because it affects me in a big way. For the sake of security, I can’t elaborate, but I’ll say this, I wish I could go back and change that. Obviously I can’t, so thinking about it is pointless.

Perception equals reality. Up until a few years ago, I had never heard that phrase before. Up until this moment where I sit and write this in a dark room, alone, I think it’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. If I perceive you to be a jokester and a fool, my new reality of you is that you’re an idiot. The REAL reality, however, may be completely wrong. You might be the type that enjoys having fun but when it gets down to it, you move with precision and go above and beyond what’s normally expected of you. But I never see that. I don’t see it because my initial perception of you is that of an idiot, everything else is overlooked. Your work ethic, your ideas, your contributions don’t exist, they never happened. All because one person with control of your life (a small chunk of it, but an important part nonetheless) decides that you aren’t worth anything and proceeds to judge you based on their own perceptions.

That makes no sense.

Furthermore, your merits aren’t counted towards you at all. Your perception is further decided by what you like and dislike. Don’t like baseball? Well then, you must not be a team player. Your interests and hobbies mean nothing. We have nothing to discuss. Goodbye. You are now unpopular. If you think that popularity issues are only for high school, think again. This plays such an important part in other aspects of your life, it border lines on depressing.

So far, this post doesn’t make much sense, and that’s fine. It’s really not supposed to. I’m venting more or less.

But, my point is simple, and fairly important. When you encounter someone, and you perceive them to be this one thing and you put them in a box labeled idiot or slacker or smart ass or introvert, remember that they’ve done the same thing to you and their perception of you is your new reality. It’s a crappy feeling, and it may come back to bite you in the ass one day.

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